Friday, April 24, 2009

She’s Miss USA in My Book

Humphrey Stevenson

These are the times that try men’s (and women’s) souls.

Miss California, Carrie Prejean, during the Miss USA Pageant was asked a question by some far left goon about whether all states should recognize same-sex marriage. She had a decision to make. There were basically three ways she could answer the question. One, she could give this knucklehead what he wants and say, “Oh sure, everyone should have the right to marry anybody they want and all states should recognize it.” Or, option two, she could play the moderate, spew the pabulum and say something on the order of, “Well, that’s a decision that every individual and every state must make for themselves.” Either one of those answers and Carrie Prejean wins Miss USA.

But she didn’t do that. No, Miss Prejean, chose the third way, the hard way, and stuck to her convictions and said that marriage is between a man and a woman. Shock, Horror, and it cost her the crown. When a choice had to be made, Carrie Prejean chose the truth over the tiara.

Why? Does it really personally affect me if two men marry? Actually, no it doesn’t. I still love and am married to a woman. Just as I am sure that Miss Prejean will marry a man, no matter what anybody else does. But conservatives don’t think that way. It’s not just about us. Our lives are not lived in a vacuum.

Conservatives know that same-sex “marriage” damages and devalues the institution of marriage. Further, we know that the family has always been and will always be the bed rock of all great civilizations and one man joined with one woman in Holy matrimony is the nucleus of the family. Whenever, the institution of marriage is damaged, the family and therefore society is the lesser for it.

I heard today that Miss Prejean forgave that left-wing idiot for his disgraceful rant on his blog. So, Carrie Prejean has shown herself to not only be beautiful, smart and a person of moral values, but classy as well. We at Conservative Camel salute her.

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