Saturday, January 16, 2010

Nancy’s Choice

as published in
by: Humphrey Stevenson

Nancy Pelosi is having trouble deciding on a name for the government controlled insurance option in her new health care bill. “Government Option” is out because it tells us too much about it. I guess she would like to avoid the word “government.” “Public Option” seems to have been passed by and she is considering “Consumer Option” or “Competitive Option.” Nancy probably likes these because it makes the government controlled insurance would be free market based.

However, these monikers are all misleading because they include the word “option.” This implies that one has a choice as to whether to enter government-run health care or not. This will not be our choice but Nancy’s choice. This is what the liberals want us all corralled into. If you move into it voluntarily, great: if, however, you must be forced into it, either directly or through circumstances, well that’s just the way it goes.

Obama and Pelosi’s idea of so-called health care reform has nothing to do with trying to make health care better. Just like their ideas of taxes is not really to raise money for the Federal Government. The point is to control the way wealth is distributed. Similarly, the point of the heath care plan is to control the physical person of the citizen.

Pelosi’s bill totals 1990 pages and the members of congress are given seventy-two hours to read it. According to Michelle Bockmann, there will be, maybe, four hours for debate. Pelosi expects a vote on the bill either Friday or this weekend.

I heard Rep. Mike Pence briefly describe a GOP proposal for health care reform. The proposal seemed to be common sense and Rep. Pence said that the legislation would only total about two-hundred pages. While I have not been completely informed on this proposal, I don’t as yet have any serious objections to it. My only problem is the idea of a kind of “me-too” legislation. This tends to surrender the premise of government reform of health care to the Democrats.

Many pundits had suggested that the outcome of three elections on Tuesday would have a bearing on the passing of Nancy’s Bill. It seems that the lessons of August might have been forgotten by the “Blue Dog” Democrats. However, a Republican sweep in Virginia and New Jersey Governors’ races, coupled with a win by Conservative Doug Hoffman in New York District 23, could serve as a healthy reminder that the American people do not want any form of Government mandated health care reform.

Even before the elections on Tuesday, Senate Leader Harry Reid was intimating that health care reform would not be completed this year despite President Obama’s claims. Reid said, “We are not going to be bound by any timeline.” One wonders if Senator Reid had some advance knowledge of what Tuesday’s results might be and was trying to impart a different spin on any Congressional delay of a health care takeover

Well two out of three ain’t bad. Republican Bob McDonnell pulled off a nearly twenty percentage point massacre over Democrat Creigh Deeds in the Virginia’s gubernatorial race. Republicans also took the LT. Governor and Attorney General contests. In the surprise of the night, Republican Chris Christie won a solid victory over incumbent Democrat Jon Corzine for the Governorship of deep-blue New Jersey. A state that Obama had visited no less than five times campaigning for Corzine.

Though Conservative Candidate Doug Hoffman was not able to win New York District 23, the narrow defeat revealed more of a problem for the Republican Party candidate selection process than any failings on Mr. Hoffman’s part. Had he been selected by the party from the beginning and the party supported him fully, we would be celebrating a victory there as well. I can only hope that this experience has not soured Doug Hoffman’s political aspirations because he seems to be the type of true conservative we need.

Off year elections are always a referendum on the party in power. So there is no way to separate the election results from what the people think of Obama, Pelosi and Reid and their cornerstone issue. It remains to be seen what effect Tuesday’s results will have on what The Wall Street Journal has called “the worst bill ever.” Whether Pelosi is putting on a brave face or is really intent to push forward (I think it is the latter), won’t be known immediately. She just might choose to sacrifice the political careers of a few Blue-Dogs on her way to enslave a nation.

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