Wednesday, August 18, 2010

The Kings of Our Age

by Humphrey Stevenson

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

This beautiful sentence begins the second paragraph of the Declaration of Independence. This was a statement of what the Founders believed about mankind; that no person is created any better than any other person. We all came into the world the same way; that’s why we all have a bellybutton. Further, that all rights granted to the individual come from God not from any other person or government.

Do our leaders today really believe that they are no better than we are? They have a bloated sense of moral superiority. Their values are unattainable to the unwashed masses. They believe themselves to be superior to the Founders therefore the Constitution is an obstacle to be circumvented. They are so needed that any failings are to be disregarded. Just as kings, the elite were born to rule.

We, the surfs, are to pay the taxes the elite prescribe. We are to be told what to eat, what to drive, how to live. If sacrifice is needed, we are to suffer the lack. In the eyes of the elite, we are at best hick, hayseed boobs and at worst racist, knuckle-dragging Neanderthals.

We know that our ruling elite class believes that they can create rights. They told us they could. They say that with ObamaCare they have made health care a right. However, for one person to have a right means that no other is deprived of their rights. Rights are not transferred from one person to another. For instance, your right to life does not require that someone else die. But for person A to have a “right” to health care means that person B must pay for it, which means that person B is deprived of his right to his property. This is not a transfer of rights; it is simply a transfer of wealth. Therefore, health care is not a right no matter how many laws the elite pass.

They couldn’t have passed ObamaCare by calling it what it really was, a wealth transfer; so they declared it a human right and as long as no one understands what rights are and from where they come, the elite will keep on doing it.

The elite can take $ 26 billion of our money and pay off their friends in the teachers’ unions and public sector unions for their support in the November elections. I know, Obama said it was fully paid for by closing tax loopholes for multinational corporations. If this is true, then once again it proves the elite have no idea of the consequences of their tax policies. They obviously don’t realize that these policies will cause these multinational corporations to completely leave the U.S. and cause even more loss of jobs. Or maybe they do and it is part of the plan to create more dependency on the Federal government.

The ruling elite believe that they can control the economy better than the market. Thomas DiLorenzo in an article on the Ludwig von Mises Institute website describes how similar the regulatory control the Federal government exercises over the economic life of the US today is similar to the way F.A. Hayek describes the economic control by the German government of the late 1920’s and 1930’s. Our ruling elite have set up a system in which economic control is not direct but more hidden by the myriad of regulations of the various executive branch “alphabet” Federal agencies. In Germany, the government controlled about 53 percent of the means of production. Today the Federal government controls roughly 45 percent of the means of production. As DiLorenzo said, “It may sound shocking to some, but modern-day America compares "favorably" to fascist Germany of the 1930s with regard to the degree to which the state interferes with and controls economic activity.”

The solution to the problem of our elite ruling class will not be found in the Federal government no matter how many Republicans we elect to Congress. Congress is becoming irrelevant by the power it has transferred to the executive branch. The Federal government binds the states to itself by offering the so called aid to states. We must elect state legislators and governors that will exercise financial discipline and thereby be in a position to disconnect your state from the Federal government system.

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